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Customized Websites
A personalized site for each agent on the team

High Quality Leads
screened through our 21-step validation process

Intelligent CRM
with drip campaigns and accountability for all agents

Success Coaching
led by some of the most successful agents nationwide
Designed to Amaze
Customized website built to amaze your audience from the moment they start their visit. With sleek property detail pages and intelligent map search you’ll ensure your leads journey on your site is a pleasant one.
Add to this your own HD location specific video and integrated machine learning algorithms detecting the best time to ask a new client for their contact information, your website covers everything you’ll need from prospecting to closing.
21 Step Qualification Process
Producing quality leads for your agents is a great way to build out your team. Our 21 step process looks at a set criteria to determine whether a leads phone number and email is valid or not. This ensures you only speak to motivated sellers and buyers.

“The team at Great Agent has worked with us from the start to build out a platform that works for our agents and keeps us up to date on how best to use new features as they roll out. They always respond quickly to our questions and tweaks to the site that we request and they take time to make sure our agents are taken care of. They feel more like a partner in our business then an outside firm that we hired.”
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Intelligent Growth
Maximize closing-rate with a streamlined and automated nurturing process. Coaching from our success team and top performing brokers ensures you capture every deal possible.
Agent Safety: Background Check on Leads
By having a soft criminal background check on all your online leads, you and your agents can be aware of prior convictions and plan your appointments accordingly.
Customize every follow up for each lead
Tailor every follow up depending on how the lead wants to be contacted. Some prefer a text message, but the people who prefer a phone call get offended if you send them a text. Having a system that determines each lead’s communication preference is crucial.
Accountability that drives performance
The nurturing period is where deals are won and lost. Tracking both performance and the follow-up ensures everyone is pulling their weight.
This feature drives your team to their peak performance as each member is rewarded with additional leads when they respond to leads promptly, work their pipeline and close deals.
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